‘Bulldog Clinic’ educates, entertains ECEC students
Louisiana Tech undergraduate students, both in Human Development and Family Science (HDFS) and in the Division of Nursing, hosted the inaugural Bulldog Clinic at The Early Childhood Education Center (ECEC) recently.
The Bulldog Clinic was set up like a mock hospital to allow children to manipulate real medical equipment, incorporate coping techniques, and receive developmentally appropriate education on the healthcare experience. The exercise also allowed Tech undergraduates hands-on experience in educating children on the various medical stations.
This first ever Bulldog Clinic and was made possible through a teaching grant.
Human Development and Family Science is designed for students who have a passion for working to improve the lives of children, youth, and families through direct interaction and application of their specialized knowledge in one of three concentrations: Child Development Specialist, Child Life, or Family Sciences.
Tech’s award-winning Division of Nursing is based on a commitment to selecting, retaining, and educating future nurses and is committed to excellence in the education of students of diverse educational and cultural backgrounds.
The ECEC is a preschool learning laboratory for 3- and 4-year-old children and is an integral component of instructional programming in Tech’s School of Human Ecology. It consistently maintains a five-star rating from the Louisiana Quality Star Rating system.