Dorian Young

Oct 27, 2021

Dorian Young is a Human Development and Family Science major from Tallulah. He is following a family tradition of attending Louisiana Tech University:  his father, aunt, cousin all attended Louisiana Tech. This fall, his sister entered Tech as a Freshman. 

“My major Human Development and Family Sciences really gave me life,” Young said. “The expressiveness of the staff as well as the camaraderie of my fellow classmates is so invigorating for me. It reminded me what I always wanted to do and be since I was born.

“Human Development and Family Sciences enforces much of what I teach and live by. It is that real compassion and understanding has become such a lost art in this present world. The building blocks to creating more sound individuals start within oneself and spreading that love and compassion to our communities, our families, strangers, and most importantly ourselves. For that is the greatest asset we are to bestow upon ourselves. To love is to receive, for all that we give to another is a gift unto ourselves.”

Dorian Young