Tech to kick off the holiday season with its annual Poinsettia Show
The colors of the season will be in full bloom as the department of agricultural sciences at Louisiana Tech University holds its annual Poinsettia Show and Auction at 7 p.m. Nov. 29 at Squire Creek Country Club.
A varied collection of poinsettias of all shapes and colors will be available at the auction, with proceeds going to the department of agricultural science’s scholarship fund.
“We have the usual shapes and colors, some of which are unusual, and this year we’ll have the tree-form rose poinsettias, which we haven’t had for quite a while,” said Dr. Gary Kennedy, head of Tech’s agricultural sciences department. “And it’s all for a great cause. Last year we gave away $40,000 in scholarships, and $10,000 of that came from money raised from the Poinsettia Show and Auction. So this is a very important event for us and it’s also a great way to start the Christmas season.
“We have a very robust crop this year and they are really starting color up. They’ll be perfect — bright and vibrant — by the time the auction rolls around. We have some other special things planned, so we hope everyone comes out to the auction and gets into the Christmas spirit by adding a little holiday color to their lives.”
Kennedy said 35 poinsettia lots will be sold at the auction, each being different with some lots consisting of a single large plant while others being a combination of different varieties.
“The plants we have up for auction are our cream of the crop,” Kennedy said. “They’re the biggest and best plants we have and will brighten up any home.”
Tickets are $10 for an individual and $60 for a table of six. They are available at Community Trust Bank and at the Marbury Alumni Center. A reception will start at 6:30 p.m. with the auction beginning at 7 p.m.
“The day after the auction the poinsettia plants will go on sale during normal hours at the Tech Farm Sales Room,” Kennedy said. “So there will be plenty of chances to purchase poinsettias this season.”
Written by T. Scott Boatright –