Speech-Language Pathology

Pre-Professional Speech-Language Pathology (BA)

A Bachelor of Arts in Pre-Professional Speech-Language Pathology prepares students for graduate study in either speech-language pathology or audiology. A degree specializing in broadening education experience in the liberal arts and sciences in addition to basic course-work in normal and disordered speech, language, and hearing.  (Concentration in audiology available)

Job Opportunities

  • Speech language pathology assistant
  • Medical sales and publications
  • Health care administration

Pre-Professional Speech-Language Pathology Curriculum (BA)

Speech-Pathology (MA)

For a Master of Arts in Speech-Language Pathology, graduates can work in multiple professional settings with people of all ages who have speech and language disorders. It is required within the Department of Communication and Disorders to become a certified speech-language pathologist.

If a student has obtained a bachelor’s degree in a field other than Speech Pathology, they are required to complete 19 hours of coursework at the undergraduate level in the following courses:

  • SPCH 205:  Introduction to Audiology
  • SPCH 222: Phonetics
  • SPCH 301:  Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism
  • SPCH 302:  Speech and Hearing Science
  • SPCH 311:  Neuroscience
  • SPCH 429:  Observation (1 hour credit)
  • SPCH 470:  Language and Speech Development

These must be completed prior to admission to the Louisiana Tech graduate program. These are standard across all graduate programs in SLP.

All students must also take the GRE, and program administrators consider the verbal, quantitative, and writing scores in the formula for acceptance.

Speech-Pathology (MA)