Research Publications

Patel NR*, Whitehead AK+, Newman JJ, Caldorera-Moore ME. Tailorable Biomimetic Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering. American Chemical Society Biomaterials Science & Engineering. August 2016
*Nehal Patel was a master’s student in the MSNT program
+Anna Whitehead was an undergraduate student in Biological Sciences

Newman JJ & Caldorera-Moore M. Interdisciplinary Seminar Series: Increasing Awareness for Research, Recognition of the University, and Professional Development Opportunities. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. 2016

Tyree, M., N.A. Clay, S. Polasky, S. Entrekin. 2016. Salt in our streams: Even small sodium additions can have negative effects on detritivores. Hydrobiologia, 775:109-122.

Newman JJ, Patel N*, Caldorera-Moore M. Engineered Stem Cell-Based Scaffolds and Patches for Heart Disorders. Chapter 14 in: Microscale Technologies for Stem Cells Engineering. Springer, 2016
*Nehal Patel was a master’s student in the MSNT program

Karnik, S., U. M. Jammalamadaka, K. K. Tappa, R. Giorno and D. K. Mills. (2015). Performance Evaluation of Nanoclay Enriched Anti-Microbial Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications, HELIYON_2015_929.

Giorno, R., W. Wolf, P. Hindmarsh, J. Yule, J. Shultz. (2013). Using Scientific Abstracts to Measure Biological Sciences Teaching Outcomes. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education (JMBE) 14(2), 275-276. PMID: 24358402

Maness, TJ and DJ Anderson. 2013. Predictors of juvenile survival in birds. Ornithological Monographs 78:1-55.

Zhang, T., P. Pathak, S. Karandikar, R. Giorno, L. Que. (2011). A polymer nanostructured Fabry–Perot interferometer based biosensor. Biosens Bioelectron 30(1):128-32. PMID: 21955754

Zhang, T., Z. Gong, R. Giorno, and L. Que. (2010). A nanostructured Fabry-Perot interferometer. Opt. Express 18, 20282-20288. PMID: 20940919.

Zhang, T., S. Talla, Z. Gong, S. Karandikar, R. Giorno, and L. Que. (2010). Biochemical sensing with a polymer-based micromachined Fabry-Perot sensor. Opt. Express 18, 18394-18400. PMID: 20721233

Giorno, R., J. Bozue, M. Mallozzi, K. S. Moody, A. Slack, D. Qiu, R. Wang, A. Friedlander, S.Welkos, and A. Driks. (2009). Localization and assembly of proteins comprising the outer structures of the Bacillus anthracis spore. Microbiology 155: 1133-1145 PMID: 19332815